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Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Camera Test Shots!!

My new camera arrived yesterday, and I couldn't be more satisfied with it. There are several features that I think I'll be using pretty frequently, such as the panoramic, blur background, etc. Here is a shot of the damage done on my previous camera. Frankly, I'm surprised it works at all anymore. It still takes pictures, but the screen doesn't work. I can't select any of the cool camera functions or see my pictures. Rest in peace, dead camera!

Next is a panoramic shot of my living room. What's nice about this camera is that you just press the shutter once, and then pan around, and it takes all the photos for you and stitches them together in camera.

This is a shot of my hand, but what's really cool is that the background is blurred just like a DSLR would do.

This is a photo of my knitting. My camera has a color filter option. It can select 1 of 4 colors, and makes everything else black and white. 

Here's the same effect with yellow. 

The camera has a very intuitive smart shot function as well. The wind was blowing, and the flowers kept moving, but the blur-detector kicked in and steadied the shot. 

 This is another blurred background photo. Probably my favorite so far.

Color select: yellow

Color select: green

Color select: red

Panoramic shot of the back yard. 

And a shot of me. The camera has a special portrait function that recognizes your face, waits until you smile, then takes the picture. It also softens skin tones to hide blemishes. :D

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