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Friday, October 15, 2010

Name of the Blog

I've been wanting to create a blog for a while, and finally stopped procrastinating. I'm hoping to use it to follow all my crafty adventures in crocheting, scrapbooking, and maybe even quilting when I learn how. I like making gifts for other people. The problem is, once I make something and give it away, it's gone. This will be where I keep the memories of the things I've created and the people that have inspired them.

I chose the name for the blog from a quote I found about Ginger Rogers.

About Fred Astaire] "Sure he was great, but don't forget Ginger Rogers did everything he did backwards . . . and in high heels!"

I love the old movies with Fred and Ginger and Gene Kelly. Men dancing and making no excuses about it. Women dancing, showing their athleticism, and still being feminine and beautiful. People using motion and their bodies to tell a story. It's completely different from the ultra-sexualized gyrating you see on TV today, with stars showing more and more skin to make up for the fact that they don't have finesse or talent. There's so much classiness that's missing today. Through this blog I hope to bring back some of the charm that's been lost through the years, but in ways that are modern and functional.

So... I'm only 26. The crochet patterns I've chosen are not from your granny's closet. I guess my style would be more... Granny chic? I love digging through old linens at the antique store and looking at the retro fabrics. I love things that go with Fiestaware and Jadeite, and old Pyrex mixing bowls, but I also appreciate a touch of the modern wearability that comes from new materials. 

Today I'm going on an excursion to the craft store to pick up some inspiration from new yarns. Maybe I'll even try some of that new bamboo yarn that feels soooooo soft. Then I'll take pictures of what I've created so far.. although the gifts won't be posted until after Christmas.